About Landmark Corporation

A Real Landmark In Surat

      In Surat and South Gujarat there will be few who have not heard of ‘Landmark Corporation’ of Mr Madhavji Patel. Popularly known as MD, he has made ‘Landmark Corporation’ a real landmark in South Gujarat. A person with iron, Mr. Madhavji Patel is a renowned name in the fields of architecture, engineering, construction and event organizing.

     ‘Landmark Corporation’ & ‘Landmark Architect Engineers’ & ‘Landmark Project Engineers and Builders’ are the feathers in the hat of Madhavjibhai. Having a multitalented personality and diversified business Madhavjibhai is BE Civil Engineer. A scholar and ranker from Sardar Vallabhbhai Regional Engineering college of Surat, young Madhavjibhai was having eyes filled with big dreams. Dream of making finest buildings, dream of making quality construction and dream of making some rare master pieces which people can never forget!

Award winning by M.D.

     He is awarded of Crown Of Surat City & Jewel of Saurashtra By Divya Bhaskar Group, Ujas Award, Several Lions International Awards For Human Service, Surat Ke Sitare Award by Gujarat Mitra, Best Businessman Award by Shikhar Award, Swarnim Gujarat Award in S.M.C.Roshni Compition-2010 by S.M.C. & many times he is Awarded by many Social and service Organization. info@landmarkcorporation.com



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Our Projects

Design & development process demonstration